Associate Professor
436 (Main Building)
Office Hours:
  • Monday: 13:00 - 15:00
  • Tuesday: 14:00 - 15:00
Short CV

Dr. Evangelia Kopanaki is an Associate Professor at the University of Piraeus. She holds a BSc. in Mathematics and a MSc. in Computer Science from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She also holds a PhD in Information Systems from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Management, Information Systems and Innovation Group. For more than three years, she has been a researcher at the Department of Informatics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and has been involved in various European co-funded projects. She has also worked as a software analyst at a software development company in Greece. She has taught various undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Departments of ‘Business Administration’, ‘Informatics’ and ‘Statistics and Insurance Science’ of the University of Piraeus, as well as at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has also taught at the Singapore Institute of Management, under the University of London International Programmes. Her research interests lie in the areas of e-business, supply chain management, inter-organisational systems and web information systems. She has published various research papers, a book on e-business and a book on web technologies.

  1. Operational Reserach (4th semester)
  2. Management Information Systems (7th semester)
  3. Electronic Commerce (Elective)
  4. Planning and Design of Electronic Commerce (Elective)
  •  Stroumpoulis, A., Kopanaki, E., & Karaganis, G. (2021). Examining the Relationship between Information Systems, Sustainable SCM, and Competitive Advantage. Sustainability, 13(21), 11715 (Q1, SJR:0,61, Scopus Indexed).
  •  Karvela, P., Kopanaki, E. and Georgopoulos N. (2021) “Challenges and Opportunities of Cloud adoption in supply chain management: A SWOT Analysis Model” to appear in the Journal of System and Management Sciences, issue No.3 of 2021 (Q3, SJR:0.27, Scopus Indexed).
  •  Vlahakis, G., Kopanaki, E., & Apostolou, D. (2020). Proactive decision making in supply chain procurement. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 30(1), pp. 28-50. Taylor & Francis (ABS:1, Q2, SJR:0,72, Scopus Indexed).
  •  Varelas, S., Kopanaki, E., & Georgopoulos, N. (2020). A strategic tourism knowledge base for socio-economic and environmental data analytics: The role of Big Data analysis. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 45(1), pp. 69-76.
  •  Kopanaki, E., Karvela, P., & Georgopoulos, N. (2018). From traditional interorganisational systems to cloud-based solutions: The impact on supply chain flexibility. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce28(4), pp. 334-353. (ABS Ranking:1).
  •  Vlahakis, G., Apostolou, D., & Kopanaki, E. (2018). “Enabling Situation Awareness with Supply Chain Event Management”. To appear in Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 93, pp. 86-103.
  •  Liapis, A. and Kopanaki, E. (2016), “Towards Facilitating Innovation Across Creative Industries from Idea Conception to Production”, in Re-shaping Organizations through Digital and Social Innovation, open-access book Proceeding of the 12th Annual Conference of itAIS 2015 (Italian Chapter of AIS), Agrifoglio, R., Caporarello, L., Magni, M., Za, S. (Eds.). ISBN 978-88-6856-055-3, LUISS University Press (pp. 149-162).
  •  Karvela, P., Kopanaki, E. and Georgopoulos, N. (2015), “Supply Chain Agility Through Cloud Computing Technologies“ in Proceeding of the AICBMM (Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management2015 (Oxford) Conference Proceedings, ISBN Number 978-0-9930368-8-0 (Online), (pp. 142-151).
  •  Kopanaki, E., Karvela, P. and Georgopoulos, N. (2014), “Analyzing the Impact of IT on Business Agility and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage”, In Proceeding of the 26th Conference of the Association for Global Business, Volume 26, ISBN: 1050-6292 (in CD-ROM), 13-15 November, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  •  Karvela, P., Kopanaki, E. and Georgopoulos, N. (2014), “The Impact of Internet-Based Collaboration Platforms on Supply Chain Flexibility” (Abstract), International Conference Sustainable Development in Business and Supply Chain (ICSBS2014), 27 to 29 November, London, UK (p. 7).
  •  Kopanaki, Ε. and Smithson, S. (2013), “The issue of flexibility in inter-organisational collaboration: An appreciative systems thinking perspective” International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, Volume 5, Issue1, pp. 92-113.
  •  Kopanaki, E. (2013), “Dealing with Uncertainty in a Global Business Environment: The Need for Supply Chain Flexibility”, Short paper in Proceeding of the 25th Conference of the Association for Global Business, Volume 25, ISBN: 1050-6292 (in CD-ROM), 21-23 November, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  •  Livadara, V. C., Tziallas, A. and Kopanaki, E. (2009, December). Examining the technological and business issues related to the development of an e-market. In Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on E-Activities and information security and privacy (pp. 165-171). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS).
  •  Kopanaki, E. and Smithson, S. (2003), “Examining Organisational Flexibility in an Interorganisational Context”. In Proceedings of AMCIS (American Conference of Information Systems), August 2003, Tampa, Florida, USA, (pp. 544-553).
  •  Kopanaki, E. and Smithson, S. (2003), “An Interpretive Approach to Examine the Impact of IOS on Organisational Flexibility”. In Proceedings of IFIP (International Federation for Information ProcessingW.G. 8.2 – W.G. 9.4, 15 - 17 June, Athens, Greece, (pp. 119-128).
  •  Kopanaki, E. and Smithson, S. (2003), “The Impact of a Continuous Replenishment Program on Organisational Flexibility”, in Proceedings of IFIP Conference on ECommerce, E-Business, E-Government (I3E 2002), Towards the Knowledge Society: eCommerce, eBusiness and eGovernment , Monteiro, J.L., Swatman, P.M.C., and Tavares, L.V. (eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (pp. 15-30).
  •  Kopanaki, E., Karkaletsis, V., Spyropoulos, C. D., Avradinis, N., Fakotakis, N., Kalamboukis, T., Kladis, B., Lazarou, Υ., Panayiotopoulos, T. and Spinellis, D. (2001, November). "MITOS: An integrated web-based system for information management". In Proceedings of the 8th Pan-Hellenic Informatics Conference. Greek Computer Society, 8-10 November, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  •  Kanellis, P., Kopanaki, E. and Paul, R. (2000). “Adapting to Survive: Lessons Learned from an Investigation into the Effects of Contextual Change on Information Systems”, In Proceedings of ECIS (European Conference of Information Systems), July 3-5, Vienna, Austria.
  •  Kopanaki, E., Smithson, S., Kanellis, P. and Martakos, D. (2000). “The Impact of Inter-organizational Information Systems on the Flexibility of Organizations”Proceedings of AMCIS (American Conference of Information Systems), 15-17 August, Long Beach, California, USA.
  •  Kοπανάκη, E., Κολοκοτρώνης, Ν. και Μαρτάκος, Μ. (2000), “Τι είναι και πώς εργάζεται το Ελληνικό Billing Mall”, Bancassurance & Banking, Περιοδικό για τις Τράπεζες & το Γενικό Εμπόριο Χρήματος, Τεύχος 3, Ιούλιος, (σελ.28-36).
  •  Pharmakis, Ch., Kopanaki, E. and Martakos, D. (1998), “Managing Access to Electronic Subscriptions”, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems , Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 43 - 47.
  •  Φαρμάκης, Χ., Kοπανάκη, E., Σουλικιάς, Β. και Μαρτάκος, Δ. (1998), “Διαχείριση πρόσβασης σε ψηφιακό υλικό εκδοτών: Ο ρόλος της βιβλιοθήκης και το έργο CANDLE”, 7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών, Νοέμβριος, Βόλος, Ελλάδα, (σελ. 339-362).
  •  Stamoulis, D. Martakos, D., Kopanaki, E. and Farmakis, Ch. (1998), “DIRECT: A fully Distributed Requirements’ Capturing Tool Supporting QFD Methods”, Proceedings of the 22nd ICC&IE (International Conference of Computers and Industrial Engineering), Δεκέμβριος, Κάιρο Αίγυπτος.
  1. Ch. Douligeris, R. Mavropodi, E. Kopanaki, and A.Karalis (2021), "Technologies and Programming in the World Wide Web" (in Greek), New Tech. Publisher, 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-960-578-031-9.
  2. N.Georgopoulos, E. Kopanaki, A.M Pantazi, C. Nikolaorakos, I. Vaggelatos, (2013), “E-Business: Planning & Design” (in Greek), Publisher E. Benou, ISBN: 978‐960‐359‐109‐2.
  3. Ch. Douligeris, R. Mavropodi and E. Kopanaki, (2013), "Internet Technologies ‐ Operations Principles and Applications Development" (in Greek), New Tech. Publisher, ISBN: 978‐960‐6759‐90‐1.
Office Hours

The office hours for the fall semester 2024-2025 are:

  • Monday: 13:00 - 15:00
  • Tuesday: 14:00 - 15:00
Full CV

For the full CV press here.


80 Karaoli & Dimitriou st
18534, Piraeus