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In today's ever-evolving world, the debate on whether sustainability should be integrated into business strategy and operations is no longer an option. Considering a values-driven approach when developing business strategies can be vital to long-term success. This environment makes it imperative to develop managers who are able to promote and implement new models of management oriented towards Sustainable Development.

The optimal combination of economic, managerial and technical knowledge, shapes the identity of modern executives to successfully respond to the needs of businesses both in Greece and internationally, which are called upon daily to respond to the challenges of global sustainability issues.

In response to these new challenges, the Master of Business Administration in Sustainable Development of the Department of Business Administration of the University of Piraeus, has the mission to become an incubator of successful executives, who will be able to develop and implement sustainable development models. The MBA in Sustainability aims to create the next generation of executives of high scientific level, in accordance with international professional and scientific standards, focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship and quality with a focus on sustainable development.

A catalytic role in this direction is played not only by the innovative educational curriculum, but also by the academic staff, characterized by their professional experience and their research and teaching activity in internationally established MBA Programmes. Your participation in the MBA in Sustainability programme will give you a competitive advantage for your professional development and success, providing you with the knowledge, skills and tools needed by managers in the modern business world.

If you have set high goals with continuous success and distinctions, then the MBA in Sustainability is definitely the Master's programme that will help you to achieve them.

Professor Dimitrios Georgakellos

Department Chair

Department of Business Administration