
The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) is a professional society for people involved or interested in marketing theory and research established in 1975. The purpose of the European Marketing Academy is to provide a society for persons professionally concerned with or interested in marketing theory and research. Its aims are to serve as the core of a communication network for disseminating information and promoting international exchange in the field of marketing.

At present, the Academy has over 1000 members from more than 50 different countries in all five continents.

EMAC Events

  • Annual Conference: Hosted by major universities or scientific institutes all over Europe, the Annual Conference, usually held the last week of May, provides a yearly forum for the presentation and discussion of research projects in various stages of development. 
  • Regional Conference: The conference aims to attract researchers interested in marketing issues in changing and growing markets regarding a regional perspective. All types of research approaches are welcome. Further it wants to serve the marketing communities of transition societies and interested researchers.

EMAC Publications

  • Newsletter: In order to keep the EMAC membership informed of its activities as well as other happenings in the field, the Academy publishes the online EMAC Newsletter. Apart from conveying information on trends in the field, the Newsletter disseminates on a quarterly basis information on on-going and completed research, teaching material, job vacancies,...
  • International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM)Building on a great tradition of global marketing scholarship, IJRM, EMAC flagship journal, aims to contribute substantially to the field of marketing research by providing a high-quality medium for the dissemination of new marketing knowledge and methods.

For more information on the Academy, please contact Anne-Laure Marteaux, EMAC Executive Secretary. 

For more information click here: http://www.emac-online.org


In 2009 the European Marketing Academy decided to establish regional conferences and agreed that the first conference is organized to embrace the study of theoretical issues in changing markets. This endeavour receives the support of EMAC and its national representatives.

The conference is aimed to attract researchers interested in marketing issues in changing and growing markets, and issues regarding a regional perspective. All types of research approaches are welcome.
Further it wants to serve the marketing communities of transition societies and interested researchers, as natural event of communication and meeting point.