411 ( Main Building)
Office Hours:
  • Wednesday: 11:00 - 13:00
  • Thursday: 11:00 - 13:00
Short CV

Dr Panagiotis G. Artikis, Professor of Finance

Department of Business Administration

University of Piraeus

Panagiotis G. Artikis is a Professor at the University of Piraeus, Department of Business Administration. Having obtained a BBA from the Athens University of Economics and Business, Prof. Artikis went to the University of Birmingham to obtain an MBA in International Banking and Finance and subsequently did his PhD in Finance at the University of Bradford.

Prior to his academic career Prof. Artikis worked for over ten years as a Fund Manager, specializing in equities, at two Mutual Fund Management Companies based in Athens. He has been awarded the professional qualification of “Security Analyst” from the Hellenic Capital and Markets Committee. Furthermore, he is currently member of the investment committee of a private pension fund responsible for the strategic asset allocation of the fund.

Prof. Artikis’ research, professional and teaching interests are in the areas of corporate finance, portfolio management, risk management, asset pricing, financial modeling and wealth creation. He has published several papers in international refereed journals, edited volumes and conferences. His work has appeared in journals such as the Journal of Corporate Finance, European Journal of Finance, European Management Journal, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions and Money, British Accounting Review.

Prof. Artikis has over twenty years of teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate level and distance learning (Athens University of Economics, Hellenic Open University, International Hellenic University, Agricultural University of Athens, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Open University of Cyprus), as well as in executive seminars. He is deputy chairman and of the Department of BA, and Chairman of the internal appraisal committee of the Department of BA. He has supervised MBA dissertations and Doctoral Theses. Furthermore, Prof. Artikis has received for several years the teaching excellence award from the Athens University of Economics and Business for his work at the Executive MBA.

  1. Portfolio Management (6th semester)
  2. Risk Management (7th semester)
  3. Fixed Income Securities (Elective)
  4. Research Project
  1. Artikis, P., Diamantopoulou, L., Kampouris, C., 2022. Macroeconomic effects on systematic risk in Europe. The case of Cyclical v. non-Cyclical companies, Actual Problems of Economics, 256/257, 54-78, DОІ: 10.32752/1993-6788-2022-1-256-257-54-78.
  2. Artikis, P., Kiosses, N., Nerantzidis, M., Tampakoudis, I., 2022. The effect of board size on shareholder value: Evidence from bank mergers and acquisitions, European Management Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2022.09.002.
  3. Artikis, P., Kampouris, C., 2022. Is intrinsic value priced in the cross section of stock returns?, Congent Economics and Finance, 10, pp. 1-20, https://doi.org/10.1080/23322039.2022.2098607.
  4. Artikis, P., Diamantopoulou, L., Kampouris, C., 2022. Risk factors and stock price performance of US sectors. A quantile approach, Theoretical Economic Letters, 12, 859-881.
  5. Artikis, P., Diamantopoulou, L., Papanastasopoulos, G., 2022. Asset Growth and Stock Returns in European Equity Markets: Implications of Investment and Accounting Distortions, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 73, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2022.102193.
  6. Artikis, P. G., Diamantopoulou, L., & Papanastasopoulos, G. A., 2021. New insights on the asset growth anomaly: evidence from Europe. The European Journal of Finance, 28:18, pp. 1867-1891, DOI: 10.1080/1351847X.2021.2020145.
  7. Artikis, P., Papanastasopoulos, G., 2019. Assymetries in the Persistence and Pricing of Cash Flows, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 19, pp.1-10.
  8. Artikis, P., 2018. Market Efficiency and Fundamental Valuation. Evidence from the German Stock Exchange.The Journal of Prediction Markets, 12(2), pp.1-24.
  9. Artikis, P., 2018. Liquidity as an Asset Pricing Factor in the UK. The Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, 6(2).
  10. Apergis, N., Artikis, P., 2016. Foreign Exchange Risk, Equity Risk Factors and Macroeconomic Growth. Atlantic Economic Journal, 44(4), pp. 425-445.
  11. Artikis, P., Papanastasopoulos, G., 2016. Implications of the Cash Component of Earnings for Earnings. The British Accounting Review, 48(2), pp.117-133.
  12. Apergis, N., Artikis, P., Kyriazis, D., 2015. Does Stock Market Liquidity Explain Economic Activity? New Evidence from Two Large European Stock Markets. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 38, pp.42-64.
  13. Artikis, P., Nifora, G., 2012. Capital Structure, Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Returns. Evidence from Greece. International Advances in Economic Research, 18(1), pp.87-101.
  14. Apergis, N., Artikis, P., Sorros, J., 2010. Asset Pricing and Foreign Exchange Risk. Research in International Business and Finance, 25, pp.308-328.
  15. Artikis, P., 2010. Equity Risk Factors and Macroeconomic Growth in Greece. International Advances in Economic Research, 16, pp.328-329.
  16. Artikis, P., Mutenga, S., Staikouras, S., 2008. Corporate Bancassurance Structures: The Case of Greece. Risk Management, 10, pp.85-103.
  17. Artikis, P., Mutenga, S., Staikouras, S., 2008. A Practical Approach to Blend Insurance in the Banking Network. The Journal of Risk Finance, 9(2), pp.106-124.
  18. Artikis, P., Kalotychou, E., Staikouras, S., 2007. Interest Rate Fluctuations and the UΚ Financial Services Industry. Applied Financial Economics Letters, 3(5), pp.343–347.
  19. Artikis, P., 2002. Evaluation of Equity Mutual Funds Operating in the Greek Financial Market. Managerial Finance, 28(5), pp.27–54.
  20. Artikis, P., 2001. Risk analysis of bond mutual funds: a case study in the Greek financial market. Managerial Finance, 27(6), pp.42–59.
  21. Artikis, P., Artikis, G., 1999. A Stochastic Simulation Approach to Financial Forecasting Using Simultaneous Equations. Managerial Finance, 25(8), pp. 12-21.
  22. Artikis, P., 1999. A Capital Budgeting Stochastic Simulation Model Applied in the Banking Industry. Managerial Finance, 25(8), pp. 1-11.
  1. “Management of Value and Risk”, Faidimos, 2014.
  2. “Portfolio Management”, Faidimos, 2014.
Office Hours

The office hours for the fall semester 2024-2025 are:

  • Wednesday: 11:00 - 13:00
  • Thursday: 11:00 - 13:00
Full CV

For the full CV click here.



80 Karaoli & Dimitriou st
18534, Piraeus