Theory / Lab / Tutoring / Exercises Sessions
4 / 1 / - / -
Instruction & Examination Language
Available for Erasmus Students
Course Category
Course Type
Scientific Expertise
Course Objectives - Contents
- Management decision-making process
- Linear programming (modelling – simplex method – problem solving using computers – applications)
- Sensitivity analysis – duality theory
- Transportation and assignment problems
- Network analysis
- Dynamic programming
- Case studies
Learning Results
The course describes and examines basic concepts and topics relating to the field of operational research. The purpose of the course is to analyse a variety of business problems, to outline methods and mathematical models used to solve these problems and to interpret the results of the solutions, in order to facilitate decision making.
On successful completion of the course students will be able to:
- understand definitions and basic concepts relating to the area of organizational research;
- identify, classify, and analyse a variety of business problems;
- select and apply the appropriate method to solve decision problems;
- analyse decision problems and construct mathematical models (problem modelling), taking into account the parameters, basic hypotheses and limitations of the problem;
- determine the steps they must take to solve a decision problem, applying the appropriate methodological approach and algorithms;
- analyse and interpret the results of their data processing and the solution to a problem;
- propose and check alternative scenarios or solutions; and
- use software tools to process and solve operational research problems.