Short CV
Member of Laboratory and Teaching Staff at the Dept of Business Administration, University of Piraeus.
Member of Quality Management Unit of University of Piraeus.
Associate researcher at the Laboratory of Cloud Computing and Web Services. Dept of Computer Science. University of West Attika.
Member of Hellenic Management Association.
Associate researcher at the Social MultiCenter of ADEDY
Associate trainer at National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government.
Former director of Training Institute of National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (ΕΚΔΔΑ).
Former associate lab professor at the Technological University of Piraeus.
Scientific interests include:
- eGovernment (Process redesign and elimination of bureaucratic weights, Digitalization of Public Services and Quality).
- Digital and Collaborative Education.
- Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence.
- Decision Support Systems and Evaluation Systems (Multicriteria Analysis and Environmental Data Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Educational Acts).
Indicative scientific work on Journals and Conferences
- Maragos, E., Despotis, D., 2002. Comparing multi-objective mathematical programming methods in the light of DEA. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 5(3).
- Maragos, E., Despotis, D., 2004. The evaluation of the Efficiency with DEA in case of missing values: A fuzzy approach. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 3(3).
- Maragos, E., Despotis, D., 2004. Evaluating School Performance over time in the frame of Regional Socio-Economic Specificities. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 3(3).
- Smirlis, J., Maragos, E., Despotis, D., 2006. Data Envelopment Analysis with missing values: An Interval DEA approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation 177 (1-10).
- Kastaniotis, G., Maragos, E. K., Douligeris, C., Despotis, D. K., 2012. Using data envelopment analysis to evaluate the efficiency of web caching object replacement strategies. J. Network and Computer Applications 35(2): 803-817.
- Zacharis, N., Maragos, E., Demertzis, D., Mavrommatis, G., 2014. Podcasting in the curriculum: Implications on achievement and satisfaction. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning Vol. 11(1) 55-61.
Proceedings of Conferences:
- Maragos, E., Despotis, D., 2003. Evaluation of High school Performance: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. APORS 2003 Conference. New Delhi, India.
- Kastaniotis, G., Maragos, E., Demetsas, V., Douligeris, C., Despotis, D., 2007. Web Proxy Caching Object Replacement: Frontier Analysis to Discover the Good-Enough Algorithms. MASCOTS 2007: 132-137, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Mavrommatis, G., Maragos, E., 2008. Projects Selection and Resource Allocation in Turbulent Environments: The Role of Critical Success Factors. Proceedings of 7th WSEAS Int. Conf. on APPLIED COMPUTER and APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE (ACACOS '08), Hangzhou, China.
- Zacharis, N., Maragos, E., Mavrommatis, G., Panetsos, S., 2015. Adapting Traditional Problem- Based Learning Technics for Web-Based Delivery: The Tutor’s Role. New Horizons in Industry and Education. Conference proceedings 402-405.
- Maragos, E., Maravelakis, P., 2018. Improving the Analytical Power of Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis by the Consideration of the Shape of the Distribution of Inputs/Outputs Data. A linear Piecewise Decomposition Approach. 20th International Conference on Mathematics in Operational Research. Copenhagen. Denmark.
Office Hours
The office hours for the fall semester 2019-2020 are:
- Monday: 09:00-11:00
- Wednesday: 10:00-12:00
For the full CV click here.