Sotiris Bersimis is a Professor at the University of Piraeus, an elected member of the board of directors of the National (Greek) Statistical Institute (GSI) and an elected member of International Statistical Institute. He is the representative of the GSI at the Federation of European Statistical National Societies (FenSTATs) as well as on the board of European Courses in Advanced Statistics (ECAS).
In the past, during the period 9/2020 – 4/2022 he served as the Chair of the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science and as a member of the Senate of the University of Piraeus. In addition, during the period 12/2015 – 1/2019 he served as the President of the Hellenic Organization for Health Care Services Provision while during the period 4/2018 – 1/2019 he has been elected and served as the president of European Healthcare Fraud & Corruption Network (EHFCN).
He is a PhD holder in Statistics, from the Statistics and Insurance Science Department of the University of Piraeus. He also holds an MSc in Statistics from Athens University of Economics and Business and a BSc in Statistics and Insurance Science from the University of Piraeus. His doctoral research has been funded by a scholarship from the National (Greek) General Secretary of Research and Technology (GSRT). He has also been granted a post-doctoral fellow scholarship by the National (Greek) State Scholarships Foundation (SSF). He has certified knowledge, among others, on "Management of Research, Technology and Innovation". His research interests are mostly related to the development and implementation of stochastic models for processes monitoring (processes' quality control, patients’ surveillance, quality of services, etc.), as well as with the theory of runs and patterns. He also works in the fields of data analytics (business, health, insurance analytics). He has published more than 60 papers in international scientific journals (among others, Journal of Quality Technology, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Statistics in Medicine, Biometrical Journal) while more than 120 of his papers have been presented in National (Greek) and International Conferences (more than 80 in International Conferences). His work entitled “Multivariate Statistical Process Control Charts: An Overview”, published in “Quality and Reliability Engineering International” journal, is the most cited paper of the journal (May 2022) and one of the most influential papers in Statistical Process Monitoring. For the period 2013 – 2015 he was granted a research fund within the framework of “Excellence II” of the General Secretary of Research and Technology and initiated the research team “Process Monitoring Group” with objective the development of research in the domain of industrial statistics. Finally, his teaching involves mainly “Industrial Statistics”, “Business Analytics”, “Health Analytics & Statistics”, and "Statistical Machine Learning".
Published Papers:
Presentations in International Conferences:
Participation in Organizing and Scientific Committees of International Conferences:
Participation in Organizing and Scientific Committees of PanHellenic Conferences:
The office hours for the fall semester 2024-2025 are:
Current Positions. Sotiris Bersimis is an Associate Professor at the University of Piraeus, Department of Business Administration. He also serves as a Coordinator of the DIP50 unit of the MSc Program “Quality Management and Technology” of the Hellenic Open University. In parallel, he is an elected member of the board of directors of the National (Greek) Statistical Institute, and he is the representative of the National (Greek) Statistical Society at the Federation of European Statistical National Societies (FenSTATs) as well as on the board of European Courses in Advanced Statistics (ECAS).
Education. He is a PhD holder in Statistics, from the Statistics and Insurance Science Department of the University of Piraeus. He also holds an MSc in Statistics from Athens University of Economics and Business and a BSc in Statistics and Insurance Science from the University of Piraeus. His doctoral research has been funded by a scholarship from the National (Greek) General Secretary of Research and Technology. He has also been granted a post-doctoral fellow scholarship by the National (Greek) State Scholarships Foundation. He has certified knowledge, among others, on "Management of Research, Technology and Innovation" and a specialization in “Management, Marketing and Communications” through the participation in EU training programs.
Teaching Experience. His teaching experience at the University of Piraeus involves “Introduction to Statistics and Probability”, “Statistical Quality Control”, “Statistical Computing”, “Biostatistics”, “Multivariate Statistics” and “Non-Parametric Statistics” in the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science as well as “Business Analytics”, "Statistical Machine Learning", “Statistical Quality Control”, “Biostatistics and Epidemiology” and “Clinical Trials” in a post-graduate level in the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, “Business Analytics” in a post-graduate level in the “Executives MBA” of the Department of Business Administration, “Introduction to Statistics and Probability” in the “Department of Industrial Management and Technology”, and “Statistics” in the “Department of Economics” and since 2010.
Apart from his teaching assignments at the University of Piraeus he has taught at the University of Athens, at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, at the University of Thessaly, at the University of Central Greece, at Harokopion University of Athens and at the Harokopio University of Athens. Moreover, he has been a member of the DIP50 and DIP60 units of the MSc Program “Quality Management and Technology” of the Hellenic Open University, teaching specialized matters related to “Quality Assurance & Control”. He has taught in a vast number of seminars pertaining Vocational Training especially in “Statistical Quality Control”, “Business Analytics” and “biostatistics”. He has also supervised many master students; he is supervising three PhD students while he has supervised 2 post-doc researchers.
Published Books. He has co-authored 8 books written in Greek related to Applied Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning using R, Python and IBM SPSS Statistics, Applied Statistics in Health Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics.
Research Interests. His research interests are mostly related to the development and implementation of stochastic models for processes monitoring as well as with the theory of runs and patterns. Moreover, he works in the fields of health and health insurance advanced analytics using statistical machine learning techniques.
Research Output. He has published more than 60 papers in international scientific journals (among others, journal of Quality Technology, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Statistics in Medicine, Biometrical Journal, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, Statistical Papers, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, Journal of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Statistical Methods and Applications, Journal of Applied Statistics) while more than 120 of his papers have been presented in Greek and International Conferences (more than 80 in International Conferences). His work entitled “Multivariate Statistical Process Control Charts: An Overview”, published in “Quality and Reliability Engineering International” journal, is the most cited paper of the journal and one of the most influential papers in the area of Statistical Process Monitoring (5/2022). The citations on his published work in the international literature exceed 1870 (Google Scholar, 5/2022) while his h-index according to Google Scholar is 18.
Concurrently, he has reviewed papers for more than 50 international scientific journals (among others, Technometrics, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, Statistical Papers, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, International Journal of Statistics and Management System, Journal of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, European Journal of Operational Research, Operational Research, Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability, journal of Quality Technology, Business & Society, Statistics in Medicine, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Quality Engineering, Journal of Applied Statistics, BMC Research Notes) and for more than 15 conferences. In addition, he has served as guest editor in a publication of the international scientific magazine “Quality, Technology and Quantitative Management”.
International Activities. Sotiris Bersimis actively participates in many Scientific Associations, such as the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS), the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS), the American Society for Quality (ASQ). He is also an elected member of International Statistical Institute (ISI). Additionally, he is the representative of the National (Greek) Statistical Society at the Federation of European Statistical National Societies (FenSTATs) as well as on the board of ECAS (European Courses in Advanced Statistics).
Research Projects. In the years 2021-2022, he is the head of the research team aiming to provide a "Model for the Estimation of Health Expenditures in Greece for 2020-2040" in the framework of the project "Development of a Strategy for Aging, at National, Regional and Local Level" funded by the Ministry of Development and Investments. In the past, he has participated in many publicly funded research programs. Namely, for the period 2014 – 2015 he was granted a fund regarding a research program, from the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, within the framework of “Aristeia II” (Excellence II) of the General Secretary of Research and Technology. Finally, he is a member of the Assessment Committee of National Bank’s “i-bank Innovation and technology” contest.
Scientific Collaborations. As part of his research activity, he has collaborated with a great number of public clinics, pharmaceutical companies and scientific medical organizations. He has collaborated, inter alia, with the HIV unit of Andreas Syggros Hospital, the University of Athens Gynecological Clinic, with the smoking cessation Unit of Eugenideio Hospital, the Laiko Hospital Endocrinological Clinic, the hypertension unit of Evangelismos Hospital, the microbiological Unit of Aretaieio Hospital, the Athens Medical Society and the Hellenic Society of Nephrology among others. In parallel, for more than 15 years he is a collaborating member of the Computational Genetics Research Group ( which aims at research in the field of biological sequence analysis (DNA, RNA, proteins, etc.) using computational and statistical methods (prediction of the structure of protein structures, development of stochastic models for the analysis of biological sequences, large-scale analysis of genes, development of methods for genetic relevance, etc.). In addition, in the context of its activity has collaborated with a large number of industries (VIOLEX BIC, VIANEX, etc.). Finally, he is a member of the Assessment Committee of National Bank’s “i-bank Innovation and technology” contest.
Conferences’ Organization. Has undertaken the organization of the international conference (head of the organizing committee) of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics for the year 2025. In the past, he has organized many International Scientific Conferences and Meetings, including the "International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics" meeting held in 2018 (ISBIS 2018), the “Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis” held in 2015 (ASMDA2015) and the “International Symposium on Statistical Process Control” held in 2013 (ISSP2013). He has been a member of the Organizing Committee of the “28th European Meeting of Statisticians” in 2010 (EMS2010), along with the 26th, 27th and 28th “Panhellenic Conference of Statistics” of the Greek Statistical Institute during the period 2013 to 2015. Additionally, he served as a member of the scientific committee for the 29th and the 30th “Panhellenic Conference of Statistics” of the Greek Statistical Institute during the period 2016-2017. He has acted as member of the Scientific Committee of the “International Symposium on Statistical Process Monitoring” which took place in Italy in 2015 (ISSPM2015), of the “International Symposium on Statistical Process Monitoring” which took place in South Korea in 2017 (ISSPM2017) and of the “International Symposium on Statistical Process Monitoring” which took place in Tunisia in 2019 (ISSPM2019). Apart from the above mentioned scientifically oriented conferences, he has also coordinated sessions of multiple areas of interest, in a National and International level. During the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics that took place in Barcelona, Spain, 2016 agreed to write a discussion paper on statistical methods applied on the healthcare industry, based on his broad experience in Greece.
One Day Conferences’ Organization. Recently, in October 2020 he co-organized the “Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Insurance Fraud Detection” event which aimed to provide valid scientific knowledge as well as to contribute to businesses and organizations protection against fraud. Specific emphasis has been given in the health sector. In 2019, he organized a similar event about “Data Analytics and Fraud Detection”. In 2013 he participated in the organizing committee of the workshop “Knowledge development with the partnership of Public entities, potentials and perspectives” held at the University of Piraeus. He was also a member of the organizing committee of the summer school named “Reliability and Statistical Quality Control” which was held during the period of June – July 2016 in Karlovasi – Samos.
E-Learning Platforms. Since 2006, he has developed the Educational Portal which is addressed to Health Scientists, having as main objective to introduce all prospective users in the basic concept and methodologies of Statistics and how these can be implemented into health issues ( Now he is developing the Educational Portal
Top Management Positions in the Public Sector. During the period 12/2015 – 1/2019 Sotiris Bersimis served as the President of the Hellenic Organization for Health Care Services Provision (EOPYY) which is a social security fund responsible for providing health care services to all Greek citizens (11 million citizens). EOPYY is the largest public organization in the country and one of the biggest social security funding organizations in Europe, with more than 100 service points, 1.500 employees, 35.000 associate healthcare providers, 11 million potential beneficiaries of healthcare services and an annual budget of 5.5 billion euros. During that time period, he has introduced the use of analytical (statistical) methodologies in most of the organization’s administration procedures, having as main objective the overall sustainability of the system’s structure in the interests of the stakeholders but mainly for the benefit of the Greek citizens and succeeded to: (a) Drastically improve the financials of the Organization, decreasing arrears approximately by 90% in a three years’ period (from € 2.0 billion at the beginning of year 2016 to € 0.2 billion at the end of the year 2018). (b) Rationalize Organization’s expenses. (c) Introduce digital transformation in the public healthcare administration by designing and implementing innovative systems. The critical point of his success was the added value management he created through innovation using state of the art technology and statistics. As part of his duties, at that period, he has served as a member in many governmental committees (Highest National Committee for Greek Health, e-Health Committee, Committee for the Development of Greek Pharmaceutical Industry, etc).
International Positions. During the period 4/2018 – 1/2019 Sotiris Bersimis has been elected and served as the President of European Healthcare Fraud & Corruption Network (EHFCN) after significant members of the Organization supported his nomination for the position by recognizing his excellence in designing innovative solutions, combining statistical methods and new technologies as well as being proactive against fraud. EHFCN is a European organization, with a seat in Brussels, founded in 2005, having as members organizations concerned with healthcare and counter fraud issues in Europe.
Awards. For his success, he was honored with the 2018 "Best Manager Award" from the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS) and at the same period, he received public honors from the Prime Minister of the country for his contribution. ENBIS is an autonomous Society, located in Amsterdam, having as main objective the development and improvement of statistical and analytical methods, and their application in European Business and Industry throughout Europe. ENBIS has adopted the subsequent points (among others) as its vision: to promote the widespread use of sound science driven, applied statistical methods in European business and industry management, to emphasize multidisciplinary problem-solving involving statistics, to facilitate the rapid transfer of statistical methods and related technologies in business and industry. ENBIS has established the Best Manager Award to recognize managers who gave a significant contribution to the success of their companies by advancing the spread and the practice of business and industrial statistics. The 2018 Best Manager Award has been awarded to Sotirios Bersimis, President of the Greek National Organization of Healthcare Services Provision. As the ENBIS committee wrote “Sotiris Bersimis has been using his theoretical insights into statistics to help manage the efforts aimed at continuously improving quality of healthcare services in Greece”. It is the first time that the Best Manager Award has been awarded to a manager from Greece as well as to a person managing a public organization. Previously, the Best Manager Award was awarded to managers engaged in the private sector (Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, Bosch, General Motors, Novo Nordisk, Janssen Pharmaceutical, EDF Group France, Novartis, etc).