437 (Main Building)
Office Hours:
  • Monday: 09:00 - 10:00
  • Wednesday: 11:00 - 12:00
Short CV

1. Positions

  • Professor at the Department of Business Administration, University of Piraeus, September 2022-today.
  • Visiting Lecturer at the Undergraduate Program "Tourism Management" of the Hellenic Open University in the Thematic Unit "Quantitative Methods in Tourism Management" (DIT 10), October 2022-July 2023.

2. Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor (November 2018-August 2022), Assistant Professor (March 2014-November 2018) and Lecturer (January 2012-February 2014) at the Department of Business Administration, University of Piraeus.
  • Assistant Professor (September 2010-December 2011) and Lecturer (September 2006-September 2010) at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial-Financial Mathematics, University of the Aegean.
  • Visiting Lecturer at the Masters’ Program “Quality Assurance” of the Hellenic Open University, October 2004-July 2018.
  • Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus, October 2004-July 2006.

3. Education

  • Ph.D. in Statistics, Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business (2003).
  • Master of Science in Statistics, Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business (1998).
  • Bachelor, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens (1996).

4. Research

  • 44 papers in international scientific journals including Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, IIE Transactions, Computers & Industrial Engineering, European Journal of Operational Research.     
  •  Referee in 46 international scientific journals including Applied Mathematical Modelling, Computational Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Computers & Industrial Engineering, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Statistica Sinica and in 3 conference proceedings.     
  •  Associate Editor for the international scientific journal Quality Technology and Quantitative Management (indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded).     
  •  1472 citations.     
  •  Several presentations in international conferences.
  •  Mathematics for Business Administration (1st semester)
  •  Computer Applications Ι (1st semester)
  •  Statistics for Business Administration (2nd semester)
  •  Computer Applications ΙΙ (2nd semester)
  •  Business Data Mining (Elective)
  1. T. Perdikis, S. Psarakis, P. Castagliola, V. Giner-Bosch, P.E. Maravelakis and A.C. Rakitzis (2022). An EWMA Sign Chart for dispersion with exact Run Length properties, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, (to appear).
  2. P.E. Maravelakis, A.C. Rakitzis and P. Castagliola (2022). EWMA Charts for Monitoring Proportions with Excessive Zero Values: an Application to the Daily Number of Infections in a Hospital, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, (to appear).
  3. K.H. Maragkos and P.E. Maravelakis (2022). Extracting Primary Emotions and Topics from the ISIS propaganda, using Topic Modelling and Lexicon-based approaches, Social Science Computer Review, (to appear).
  4. T. Perdikis, S. Psarakis, P. Castagliola, A.C. Rakitzis and P.E. Maravelakis (2022). The EWMA sign chart revisited: performance and alternatives without and with ties, Journal of Applied Statistics, (to appear).
  5. P.E. Maravelakis (2021). The EWMA Control Chart for lifetime monitoring with failure censoring reliability tests and replacement, In Statistical Modeling of Reliability Structures and Industrial Processes: Probabilistic Approaches and Big Data Analytics, Chapter 8, (Editors I.S. Triantafyllou and M. Ram), CRC Press.
  6. Η. Κ. Maragos, P.E. Maravelakis and A. Linardis (2021). A DEA evaluation of the successful implementation of HEALTH2020 policies, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 76, 100968. 
  7. S. Wu, P. Castagliola, A.C. Rakitzis and P.E. Maravelakis (2021). Design of Attribute EWMA Type Control Charts with Reliable Run Length Performance, Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, (to appear). 
  8. V. Alevizakos, C. Koukouvinos and P.E. Maravelakis (2021). The Use of Control Charts to Monitor Air Plane Accidents of the Hellenic Air Force, RevStat, 19, 187-206.
  9. T. Perdikis, S. Psarakis, P. Castagliola and P.E. Maravelakis (2021). An EWMA Signed Ranks Control Chart with Reliable Run Length Performances, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 37, 1266-1284. 
  10. K. P. Tran, H.D. Nguyen, G. Celano, P.Ε. Maravelakis and P. Castagliola, (2020).  On the effect of the Measurement Error on Shewhart-t and EWMA-t Control Charts, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 107, 4317-4332. 
  11. V. Mavroeidis, P.E. Maravelakis and K. Katarzyna (2020). Does innovation flourish by the implementation of certified management systems? A study in European context, In Shaping the Future Through Standardization, Chapter 6, 149-167, (Editor K. Jakobs), IGI Global. 
  12. P. Castagliola, K.P. Tran, G. Celano and P.E. Maravelakis (2020). The Shewhart Sign Chart with Ties: Performance and Alternatives, In Distribution-free Methods for Statistical Process Monitoring and Control, 107-136, (Editors: Koutras, M.V., Triantafyllou, I.S.), Springer.
  13. P. Castagliola, K.P. Tran, G. Celano, A. Rakitzis and P.E. Maravelakis (2019). An EWMA-Type Sign Chart with Exact Run Length Properties, Journal of Quality Technology, 51, 51-63. 
  14. P.E. Maravelakis, P. Castagliola and M.B.C. Khoo (2019). Run Length Properties of Run Rules EWMA Chart using Integral Equations, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 16, 129-139.     
  15. P. Castagliola, F.O. Figueiredo and P.E. Maravelakis (2019). The CUSUM Median Chart for Known and Estimated Parameters, RevStat, 17, 345-370.    
  16. P.E. Maravelakis (2019). The Use of Statistics in Social Sciences, Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, 1, 87-97.
  17. A.C. Rakitzis, P. Castagliola and P.E. Maravelakis (2018). CUSUM Control Charts for Monitoring Geometrically Inflated Poisson Processes: An Application to Infectious Disease Counts Data, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27, 622-641.
  18. A. RakitzisP. Castagliola and P.E. Maravelakis (2016). A Two-parameter General Inflated Poisson Distribution: Properties and Applications, Statistical Methodology, 29, 32-50.
  19. A. RakitzisP. Castagliola and P.E. Maravelakis (2016). On the Modelling and Monitoring of General Inflated Poisson Processes, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32, 1837-1851.
  20. P. Castagliola, P.E. Maravelakis and F.O. Figueiredo (2016). The EWMA Median Chart with Estimated Parameters, IIE Transactions, 48, 66-74.
  21. Α.C. Rakitzis, P.Ε. Maravelakis and P. Castagliola (2016). CUSUM Control Charts for the Monitoring of Zero-Inflated Binomial Processes, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32, 465-483.
  22. P.E. Maravelakis (2016). Process Capability Indices for data following the Poisson or Binomial Distribution, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 13, 197-206.
  23. M.B.C. Khoo, P. Castagliola, J.Y. Liew, W.L. Teoh and P.Ε. Maravelakis (2016).  A study on EWMA charts with runs rules - the Markov chain approach, Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 45, 4156-4180.
  24. A.C. Rakitzis, P. Castagliola and P.E. Maravelakis (2015). An Exact Memory-Type Monitoring Technique for Count Data, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 85, 235-247.
  25. C. Asvestis, T. Varvadesis and P.E. Maravelakis (2015). Greek Version of the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI), its linguistic adaptation and the pilot test of its validity (NHI), Hellenic Urology, 26, 30-34.
  26. S. Bersimis, M.V. Koutras and P.E. Maravelakis (2014). A Compound Control Chart for Monitoring and Controlling High Quality Processes, European Journal of Operational Research, 233, 595-603.
  27. M.A. Mahmoud and P.E. Maravelakis (2013). The Performance of Multivariate CUSUM Control Charts with Estimated Parameters, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83, 719-736.
  28. D.F. Madbuly, P.E. Maravelakis and M.A. Mahmoud (2013). The Effect of Missing Values on the Performance of the MEWMA Control Chart, Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, 42, 1437-1454.
  29. P. Castagliola, Y. Zhang, A. Costa, and P.Ε. Maravelakis (2012).  The Variable Sample Size Xbar Chart with Estimated Parameters, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 28, 687-699.
  30. P.E. Maravelakis (2012). Measurement Error Effect on the CUSUM Control Chart, Journal of Applied Statistics, 39(2), 323-336.
  31. P. Castagliola, P.E. Maravelakis (2011). A CUSUM Control Chart for Monitoring the Variance when Parameters are Estimated. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141(4), 1463-1478.
  32. M.A. Mahmoud and P.E. Maravelakis (2010). The Performance of the MEWMA Control Chart When Parameters Are Estimated, Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, 39(9), 1803-1817.
  33. P.E. Maravelakis and P. Castagliola (2009). An EWMA Chart for Monitoring the Process Standard Deviation when Parameters are Estimated, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53 (7), 2653-2664.
  34. P. Castagliola, P.E. Maravelakis, S. Psarakis and K. Vännman (2009). Monitoring Capability Indices using Run Rules, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 15 (4), 358-370.
  35. P.E. Maravelakis and S. Bersimis (2009). The Use of Andrews Curves for Detecting the Out-of-control Variable when a Multivariate Control Chart Signals, Statistical Papers, 50 (1), 51-65.
  36. M.V. Koutras, P.E. Maravelakis and S. Bersimis (2008). Techniques for Controlling Bivariate Grouped Observations, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99 (7), 1474-1488.
  37. M.V. Koutras, S. Bersimis and P.E. Maravelakis (2007). Statistical Process Control using Shewhart Control Charts with Supplementary Runs Rules, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 9 (2), 207-224.
  38. M.V. Koutras and P.E. Maravelakis (2007). On the IFR property preservation for Markov Chain Imbeddable Systems, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 21 (2), 201-216.
  39. P.E. Maravelakis, J. Panaretos and S. Psarakis (2005). An Examination of the Robustness to Non-normality of the EWMA Control Charts for the Dispersion, Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, 34 (4), 1069-1079.
  40. M. Perakis, P.E. Maravelakis, S. Psarakis, E. Xekalaki and J. Panaretos (2005). On Certain Indices for Ordinal Data with Unequally Weighted Classes, Quality & Quantity, 39(5), 515-536.
  41. P.E. Maravelakis, J. Panaretos and S. Psarakis (2004). EWMA Chart and Measurement Error, Journal of Applied Statistics, 31 (4), 445-455. Misprints
  42. P.E. Maravelakis, M. Perakis, S. Psarakis and J. Panaretos (2003). The Use of Indices in Surveys. Quality & Quantity, 37 (1), 1-19.
  43. P.E. Maravelakis, S. Bersimis, J. Panaretos and S. Psarakis (2002). Identifying the Out of Control Variable in a Multivariate Control Chart, Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 31(12), 2391-2408.
  44. P.E. Maravelakis, J. Panaretos and S. Psarakis (2002). Effect of Estimation of the Process Parameters on the Control Limits of the Univariate Control Charts for Process Dispersion, Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation, 31(3), 443-461.
Office Hours

The office hours for the fall semester 2024-2025 are:

  • Monday: 09:00 - 10:00
  • Wednesday: 11:00 - 12:00
Full CV

For the full CV press here.



80 Karaoli & Dimitriou st
18534, Piraeus